To mark the National Day Celebration 2021, the Mauritius Museums Council in collaboration with Flacq Coeur de Ville mounted an exibition entltled ” The Peopling of Mauritius”. The exibition is opened to the public from 4 March till 31 May 2021 at Super U, Flacq Coeur de Ville.
The Republic of Mauritius has been created by immigrants. Its peopling has always been characterised by diversity. European settlers from Holland, France and Britain, intent on building entrepôts and empires, introduced workers, companions, servants and slaves from far-flung possessions and trading routes to the Indies, resulting in the mosaic of ethnic groups which has remained one of the hallmarks of this island nation. As Mauritius was transformed from a port of call into a thriving sugar exporter, traders and other service migrants from Asia and from Europe arrived to enrich the commercial life of the region. Through the ebb and flow of prosperity, new citizens continue to add further dimensions to the peopling of the Republic.